Lab Day Chicago – from 20th to 22nd of February 2020 – Chicago (USA)

As every year, Prodways will attend the Chicago edition of the Lab Day Trade Show.
Come discover the new Clear Aligners Manufacturing Ecosystem, developed in technical partnership with 3Shape, Imes-Icore, Dreve and Full Contour.
An end-to-end, highly automatized solution that covers every aspect of the aligners production: 3D scan, treatment design, 3D printing, thermoforming, trimming and laser marking.
We will of course also showcase our solutions for implantology, casting patterns and drill guides, with our LD Dental Series (ProMaker LD10 and ProMaker LD20), high productivity 3D printers that combine accuracy and speed thanks to the proprietary MOVINGLight® engine.
Come meet us at the Hyatt Regency Chicago,
– East Tower Riverside, Booth C-19
– West Tower, Hong Kong Room, Gold level